Free Resources

Free Templates for Hoteliers
We believe every hotel can benefit from having precise and automated reports, so we have created a series of simple and easy-to-use templates you can download for free.
We also create detailed, fully automated bespoke reports for clients, which will forever transform how you process your data and do your reports - get in touch with us today for a quote or to find out more!
Revenue Management Checklist

Being productive with time at work is critical to advance your career. Using a checklist to help keep on track will ensure productivity
Button TextRevenue Forecast Meeting Agenda

The key to a successful revenue strategy is a successful revenue meeting! This weekly meeting is the most important strategy meeting for a hotel.
Button TextRevenue Forecast Template Simple

Simple automated forecast template showing on the books, pickup, expected pickup, forecast and variance to last week, by month and by segment.
Button TextDaily Pickup Template

An easy to use solution for hotels to monitor their pickup by day on a daily basis.
Button TextDetailed Revenue Forecast Template

A automated forecast template showing on the books, pickup, expected pickup, forecast and variance to last week, by month, by day and by segment.
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